Just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how things are going with me.
First up, my return to work. Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding as we work through the challenges of Covid.
All Covid related safety precautions are in place and working well. I am seeing an increasing number of patients at the clinics and am very close to full capacity. Be assured that I take the time to thoroughly disinfect the treatment areas between patients – I don’t want to be exposed to the Covid virus anymore than you do.
I am still treating virtually outside of my clinic hours and continue to see excellent results.
I firmly believe that Virtual sessions are an effective and secure option for many of the conditions I treat including concussion management. If you want to learn more about virtual treatment options see my website at Andrew.gaterell.ca.
I am also available for virtual performance optimization sessions under Elite Movement. You can request a session by selecting the contact me link and indicating that you are interested in an Elite Movement session.
Personally, I have recently completed a move to West Ottawa and increased my hours of availability at the Sports Medicine Center (Sensplex Arena in Kanata). My goal is to transition to a full time role with the Sports Medicine Center – more on this in my next blog.
I still am available two days a week at Back on Track – Antares and as an alternative can arrange virtual care sessions through AG Physio/ Elite Movement.
Use the contact information on the website if you want to discuss treatment options with me.