
Virtual Care

Working with a physical therapist shouldn’t be limited to in-person consultations. Virtual care can be a convenient and flexible part of any treatment plan. 

Services that a physiotherapist can provide virtually
  • Assessing your condition as you start care or to monitor how you are doing.
  • Prescribing you an individualized exercise program including teaching and watching you do them so they can make sure you are doing them correctly.
  • Progressing your exercise program so you keep improving over time.
  • Use of modalities like electrical stimulation and heat/cold applications as long as you and your physiotherapist have determined the appropriate equipment that is available at your home.
  • Guiding you to perform techniques on yourself including how to do the technique and at what intensity.
  • Support for self-management, education, coaching and reassurance for you and those helping you so that you understand your condition and your treatment plan.
  • Assessing how you are doing all your daily activities in your home and helping with recommendations on any adaptations you may need.

There are some things that can’t be done virtually including some hands-on assessment or treatment techniques. We will work together to modify your treatment based on what you have at home and the supports you have available.

This list was taken from an Ontario Physiotherapy Association document. To view the full document click this link

How to book Virtual Care

I offer several ways to access virtual care. The FIND ME link has information about how to book an appointment at the Sports Medicine Centre.

You can also select the CONTACT ME  link to make a direct request (through my website) for a virtual care session. I will contact you to set up a date and time.

How to access a virtual care appointment.

When it’s time for your virtual appointment you contact me using the agreed upon video-conferencing software.

If your appointment is through one of the clinics I service, the clinic will provide instructions on how to access our session.  Information about the clinics virtual care platforms is available through the clinics website.

If you used the “contact me” option through Andrew.gaterell.ca , I offer two secure virtual care platforms for our discussions; doxy.me and Zoom.us.  Click on either link for information on how to join our session.   If you have a preference for another communication channel just let me know and I’ll see what we can do. 


A patient must provide their consent for an online session. I use the consent form approved by the Ontario Physiotherapy Association. If booking through one of the clinics I serve please use their consent form. You can scan and attach a completed copy of this form to andrew@gaterell.ca .

Personal health information

Your personal health information is important to me. To ensure your information is protected I offer;

  • a private space for our sessions
  • a secure website 
  • information or notes are kept secured
  • virtual platforms meeting requirement of the Ontario – Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and the Federal Personal Information Protection and electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Select on these links for further information – doxy.me and  Zoom.us

Andrew Gaterell Physiotherapy Elite Movement:

Contact me for my current rate schedule.