How could this be possible: no physical interaction = positive results?
When Virtual Care was introduced as an alternative to in-person visits I’ll admit to being skeptical. All my experience and teaching focused on in-person. However, as someone that enjoys new challenges I decided to investigate it further.
My first step was to acknowledge that as a Physio, I have always been a believer in empowering patients – that we are partners in your recovery. A big part of my role in this partnership is to teach you what you need; not only to improve your condition, but the knowledge/tools to reduce the chance of it happening again.
I also found a several articles that reference a study of virtual primary care visits in Ontario. In it the majority of respondents reported that the care they received was equal to or better than in person care.
My second step (sounds like AA doesn’t it) was to accept the premise that with Virtual Care physiotherapy, the only choice is to treat the client by helping them understand why they are feeling the way they are feeling, and what can they do to help themselves. I quickly set about adapting the things I already believe in to help clients in a virtual world.
So on to how it works; the process is exactly the same as with in-person care except that you use things you already have around the house to complete targeted exercises. I supply the problem solving detective work and instructions and you do the work.
A couple of additional things to think about:
While I am convinced that Virtual Care has merit, it may not be the best choice for you. That is something we can discuss once you get in touch with me.
Personal health information
Your personal health information is important to me. To ensure your information is protected I offer;
- a private space for our sessions,
- a secure website
- information or notes are kept secured.
- virtual platforms meeting requirement of the Ontario – Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Select on these links for further information – and ZOOM
As always, thanks for reading my blog